Good Evening everyon!

I trust all you guys are doing well and writing exceptional prose. This past week I have been tweaking the “inciting incident” in my sci-fi story. I basically want it to be tighter, more engaging for the reader. After all that is who we write for isn’t it? In any case once that is done, and it shouldn’t take to long, then I will get on to writing the other plot points. That is the plan regarding how I will do the first draft outline. I hope to have done in the near future.

I also need to get some children’s stories done. I have been checking the Cheerios Spoonful of Stories site and so far no dice. But when it does go live again I will let you guys know about it as it is a wonderful opportunity for unpublished authors like myself to get their careers started.

I have checking resources for possible submissions as well. (Got to spread my wing and fly you know!) And speaking of flying… I had better fly on to my other writing duties. So until next time… William out!

It’s a Friday Evening….

And the weekend is here! Well that would be for most people but for me my Monday is tomorrow. Sitting in my office/second bedroom doing some organizing here. I’m organizing what to submit where he he. At least I’m putting together a submission schedule for contests and magazines. that is my goal for tonight along with the usual writing goals.

I have been checking out the latest Writer’s Market book, looking up the contests and magazines I will be submitting to. I also have an account over at So far so good!

Yesterday I added some paragraphs to my sci-Fi story “A Change in Time”. I had some ideas for a scene in the revised new chapter one and so far the idea works! Yeah!

Next week I will be attending and reading at the Wellington library in Wellington, Fla. Now that should be a blast! I will be ready for that!

I have a the new IPad, which is what I using right now to make this post. But there is one thing that bothers me. It’s the up arrow button on the keyboard! Sometimes it won’t highlight when I want to capitalize a word. That can be a downright pain in the ass!

But ever the trooper I am I trudge on to the end! By the way if any of you guys know a good word processor for the IPad please let me know! I sure would appreciate it!

Here is an Ernest Hemingway quote on writing.

In order to write about life, you must first live it!

Ernest Hemingway — American Author

Well I have to go for now so until next time…William out!

I found a couple of sites that I think…

you guys might be interested in. One is the Yahoo Contributor Network, the is the Drabble Cast podcast. The Drabble Cast site is an award-winning, illustrated, listener-supported audio fiction magazine, released as a free to download, weekly podcast. It does feature short stories that are Sci -fi, horror, and fantasy. It is hosted by Norm Sherman. This is a paid market. Here is the submissions guideline link.

The other site that you guys may be interested in is the Yahoo Contributor Neywork. This is an opportunity for you to submit content and possibly get paid for it. I would supply with a link but I keep getting my own dashboard so I suggest that you look it up on the Yahoo search engine. I know that you will be glad you did.

I know I am glad that I found these 2 sites. Now I can submit content to Yahoo and short stories to Drabble and hopefully get paid for doing so! I am looking forward to the new Three Minute Fiction contest coming up soon. That should be a blast as well. I hope to do better than the last time, but in any case I will have fun doing this.

I have been improving on my dialogue. I have been working really hard on that and it was nice to hear from my critque that I have improved quite a bit. Now I must go to do my other writing chores. I say chores but they really are not. So until next time… William out.

Greetings and Salutations….

everyone! I hope that you guys out there had a wonderful holiday season. I sure did! Now that the holidays are behind me it is time to get back to writing. My first critique meeting is this Thursday. I am going to be doing some overtime that day so I am going to be late for the meeting. No problems though. I need the money as I have just gotten a brand new 2012 Kia Soul. I love that little suv!! So I probably will not do any reading during this upcoming session. No problems though as I have not done much writing anyway. So the next meeting after this will be on the last Thursday of the Month. By then I will have somehing ready.

I am still working on characterization and brainstorming ideas as well. I will do this for at least the next two weeks. I would like to get the basics on my cast of characters done first. (I can always tweak the characters later on…) Then do the setting. (Space stations, deep space and other worldy planets should not be that hared to do.) Then I will start working on the plotline. Heck I have been mulling over plot ideas for a while now so I had better get cracking. He he. In any case I am on schedule to have that first draft done before my birthday. Heck I hope to have it done earlier than that. I see so many books out there and it is my dream to have my very own novel out there soon. Well if I am to make that dream a reality then I had better get to work. So until next time William out.

Hello there people!

It has been a few days since I have posted here so I thought I would let you guys know what has been going on here. I have been creating some character bios for the Sci Fi Novel that I will be writing. I submitted a Horror Short Story to a Writer’s Digest contest named “An Alien is a Boys Best Friend”. I hope that it will do very well.

In order to help my writing, which is to basically get my shit organized, I recently purchased a book by local author Prudy Taylor Board (Got to help my fellow local authors here!) entitled “101 Tips on Writing and Selling Your First Novel” I have to tell that this book is quite good. It has important quick tips on getting organized, getting started, writing and selling your first novel. It also has fill-in the blank sections to help plan and create your novel. I have to say that it is very good indeed.

I also bought Steven Kings latest book “Full Dark, No Stars”. I did this so I can study the way that he writes and study the horror genre in genral. The book is made of four short stories named (in order) 1922, Big Driver, Fair Extension, A good Marriage. There is a bonus short story named “Under the Weather” at the end of the book. Actually come to think of it these stories are probably novella in length. So far I find it to be more vintage Steven King. It is a very good read and I highly suggest the book to all people who love to read horror stories.

Back to the “101 Tips” book, I will be using this book to help organize my efforts to write that Sci fi novel I want to write. I will post here in my blog the goals that I will try to attain, check that, will attain. Now mind you, little things in life can get in the way of attaining goals in the time frame that you set. The important thing is to be flexbile when these things happen. It can be a tough world out there but you already know that.

So with that said my stretch goal date for coming up with my first draft/outline will be on May 26th 2012. Now why that date you may say? Well it is my birthday for one thing and I plan on celebrating with the knowledge that i acheived my goal in getting that first draft/outline done by that time.

Now that is the stretch goal. What my main goal date will be is April 1st. Now then as I said before because of my work schedule (Which is tough, 4 ten hour days!) I have to be flexible about this goal and not get mad or discouraged if I do not make either of these goals. I have to remind myself that even though I have 3 days off per week, I have other chores that need to be tended to like cleaning, running errands, Doctors appts, social engagements and other things in general, like writing this blog for example! LOL! Well you get my point. In any case I will be busy.

I hope that you guys will come along for the ride! I cannot promise you that it will be fun all the time, but I certainly hope that it will be interesting, helpful and imformative! Well until the next time I see you guys, William out.

Well I just

finished a course in children’s book writing…It was quite good! It is going to be offered again and I am going to go back and take the course again. The main reason for is the same teacher will be teaching the course again but differently. This time we will be makeing “dummy books” that will be submitted to various different markets.

Well this weekend went well…

I went to both the latest Palm Beach County Writer’s group discussion on Feb 1st and my childrens book class on Feb 2nd.
Both went real well. I am currently doing some assigned exercises from class. The writers group meeting went real well as several issues regarding writing were discussed. I hope to continue on with my writing projects as well. I have a sci fi project in mind along with a quotes book and children’s book. It seems like a large amount of work to do but here is a Mark Twain quote on how to break down large tasks.

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.”

Mark Twain American Humorist — Author (1835 -1910)

I have been posting on…

my other blog Cool Quotes Famous Quotes. I have been having a lot of fun doing that. Here is the link. I have been cooking up ideas for a sci-fi book. It is kind of a mix of two genres. One is a classic western and the other is classic sci -fi. It will be set in 1880’s Arizona. I think it will be fun to make. In the mean time I have joined the Palm Beach County Writers group. I hope to gain a lot out of this group.