It’s a Friday Evening….

And the weekend is here! Well that would be for most people but for me my Monday is tomorrow. Sitting in my office/second bedroom doing some organizing here. I’m organizing what to submit where he he. At least I’m putting together a submission schedule for contests and magazines. that is my goal for tonight along with the usual writing goals.

I have been checking out the latest Writer’s Market book, looking up the contests and magazines I will be submitting to. I also have an account over at So far so good!

Yesterday I added some paragraphs to my sci-Fi story “A Change in Time”. I had some ideas for a scene in the revised new chapter one and so far the idea works! Yeah!

Next week I will be attending and reading at the Wellington library in Wellington, Fla. Now that should be a blast! I will be ready for that!

I have a the new IPad, which is what I using right now to make this post. But there is one thing that bothers me. It’s the up arrow button on the keyboard! Sometimes it won’t highlight when I want to capitalize a word. That can be a downright pain in the ass!

But ever the trooper I am I trudge on to the end! By the way if any of you guys know a good word processor for the IPad please let me know! I sure would appreciate it!

Here is an Ernest Hemingway quote on writing.

In order to write about life, you must first live it!

Ernest Hemingway — American Author

Well I have to go for now so until next time…William out!